Here, you’ll find a comprehensive checklist to guide you through your first steps, from exploring membership benefits to engaging with local chapters and participating in our online community. We encourage you to take your time and familiarize yourself with the resources available. We also introduce key individuals to contact during your orientation, including your local chapter president and association leadership. They are here to support and assist you as you begin your journey with us.


  • Read the Association’s Mission: Start by familiarizing yourself with the 1st Marine Division Association’s mission and values.
  • Explore Membership Benefits: Take some time to review the benefits that come with your specific membership tier (Annual, Lifetime, Associate, or Friends of the Association).
  • Participate in a Local Chapter Meeting: Find a local chapter near you and attend one of their meetings. This is an excellent way to meet fellow members, engage in community events, and establish connections.
  • Join Our Online Community: Register for access to our online community where you can interact with other members, share experiences, and stay updated on association activities.
  • Read “Blue Diamond” and “The Old Breed News”: Explore our quarterly online magazine to get insights into recent activities, chapter news, and relevant updates.
  • Don’t forget to check out our “Events” section, where you can explore upcoming reunions, celebrations, and gatherings. These events provide an excellent opportunity to meet fellow members, connect with veterans, and engage in memorable experiences that honor the Marine Corps legacy.
  • Consider Volunteering: Think about how you can contribute to the association’s mission. Whether it’s participating in events, assisting with the scholarship program, or offering your expertise, your involvement is valuable.
  • Get in Touch with Leadership: Reach out to your local chapter president or the Association’s leadership for any questions or guidance you may need.
  • Individuals to Contact:

    1. Local Chapter President: Contact the president of your local chapter to get information about upcoming meetings and events. They can also help you get started in the local community.
    2. Association Leadership: If you have questions about membership, benefits, or the association’s programs, feel free to contact the Association’s leadership directly. This could be the President or Membership Coordinator.
    3. Fellow Members: Don’t hesitate to reach out to other members, whether at local chapter meetings or through our online community. They can offer insights, share experiences, and provide valuable guidance as you embark on your journey with the 1st Marine Division Association.
By following this checklist and connecting with the suggested individuals, you’ll be well on your way to an engaging and meaningful experience as a member of the 1st Marine Division Association.
1st Marine Division Association